Career Transitions Made Easy
VIDEO COURSETransform Your Career in 5 Easy Steps
Are you determined to make this year the one you finally achieve a fulfilling career?
Ready to change your mindset and embark on a transformational journey to success?
Welcome to the Career Transitions Made Easy Video Course!
In 5 modules and more than 10+hrs of valuable content we’ll help you:
Make conscious career decisions
Knowing yourself is a vital first step. Consider your strengths, values and interests and how these align with your career options.
Build your personal brand
Network your way to success
Ace your dream job interview
Leverage your LinkedIn profile
Your 30-page long career development plan to give you clarity and confidence to achieve an outstanding career.

You are more than ready to transform your career
You are an action-taker and are ready to implement what you learn here and keep exploring, evolving and growing
You are super happy with where you are right now with your work and life
You are clear on all aspects of your career and your personal brand
You know what you want and how to get it
What makes this course DIFFERENT?
This course will not only help you with mental preparation for change but will ALSO provide you with practical modules and cheat sheets to implement your career transformation, step-by-step and without self-sabotage!
The course content is not something that you can Google, but it’s based on proven techniques developed and applied in world-renowned companies and through years of transformational coaching practice.
Drawing on diverse concepts and coaching models, from “Ikigai” to Simon Sinek’s “Golden circle”, taking you on a journey from Socrates to Carl Jung, and applying the latest thought leadership on personal branding, networking, and video interviews – you will find a wealth of information and inspiration as well as practical applicable tips to turn your career around!
uncover your unique talents, values and skills but also teach you how to leverage them in your chosen career
make mindful career decisions that serve your long-term goals
build an authentic and memorable personal brand that will unlock the best market opportunities for you
learn how to network effortlessly and leverage your contacts
learn how to nail interviews, build an impactful, optimised LinkedIn profile and gain outstanding industry reputation
What our Clients say…
5 modules
Workbooks for each module
30+ years of insights
30-page Career Development Plan
Value £500
Value £250
Value £199
Let’s work together
Hi, I am Jelena! I am passionate about helping aspiring professionals thrive in the careers they love.
I know how recruiters think and I know how personal coaches work, so if you want guaranteed success, let’s work together.
My career coaching is heart-led, based on deep insights and working in alignment with your true values, strengths and motivators.
My recent clients have secured roles in world-renowned companies such as HSBC, Goldman Sachs, PWC, Oxford Instruments, Imperial College, Amazon, Microsoft, AstraZeneca, Tottenham Hotspur FC – the range is phenomenal!
Let’s make your career transition a successful one together!