How I Help Career Professionals Transition into Dream Roles and Fall in Love with Their Work Again, Even If it All Seems Too Risky and Complicated

How I Help Career Professionals Transition into Dream Roles and Fall in Love with Their Work Again, Even If it All Seems Too Risky and Complicated

“Nina” decided to leave her career of 20 years in investment banking. And not just any career. Being an MD for a global renowned investment bank is not a small feat. However, she’s had enough. To such an extent, that despite my advice to wait a little longer until we...
Guest Blog Post: Dangers of Toxic Managers

Guest Blog Post: Dangers of Toxic Managers

In some cases, employees may find themselves trapped within a negative working environment. When a business allows workplace toxicity to fester, everyone suffers. Communication breaks down, with engagement and performance soon following… In the end, the entire...
360° Surveys and Coaching Practice

360° Surveys and Coaching Practice

Feedback is at the core of creating meaningful change. This is not only true on the corporate level, where customer and employee surveys are key driving factors for success, but also on a personal level. Actively listening to people’s feedback is important to gather...
FeedSpot Top 50 Career Coach Blogs 2022

FeedSpot Top 50 Career Coach Blogs 2022

I am delighted to be featured as number 17 of the 2022 Top 50 blogs from Career Coaches curated by FeedSpot. In addition to writing articles for magazines, I invest time into my own blog and newsletter to provide portion-sized insights into career coaching and...
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