by Admin | Aug 27, 2020 | Career, Employment, Mindset
Understanding the position of women in the workplace is in itself a daunting task, given large variation by region, country, and industry. Understanding attitudes surrounding females in the workplace is even more complex, due to changing perceptions and biases....
by Admin | Jun 4, 2020 | Career, Career Development, Career Transition, Mindset, Uncategorized
photo by Beata Nykiel What you give your energy and attention to grows. What you neglect deteriorates and eventually catches up with you. It is like that with your physical and mental health, but also with other aspects of your life. I have looked at what constitutes...
by Admin | Mar 18, 2020 | Career, Career Development, Career Transition, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Interview
For hire sign Sometime last year I looked at my LinkedIn profile and realised that I have only got the job once in my lifetime via an application process! That was a revelation! This does not mean that I am terrible at applying, it means that (without...
by Admin | Feb 23, 2020 | Fulfillment, Mindset, Uncategorized, Values
Martin Ruegner Close-Up of Ladybug Recently I’ve been more on the tube than usual, as I mostly work from home, but go to the City for meetings and some client sessions. Apart from the heat and the rumbling noise of Northern Line trains that makes us cover our ears...
by Admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Career Development, Fulfillment, Personal Branding
Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash As a coach, I read a lot of articles online and I’m seeing more and more ‘life hacks’ and all sorts of ‘hacks’ encouraging readers to believe they can significantly improve or change an area of their life if they adopt them. Hacks of...